Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Spiritual Quotes in Hindi by Param Vandaniya Mataji Bhagwati Devi Sharma

Vandaniya Mataji was the life consort of Vedmurti Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya. She was also a realized devotee and Tapasvi of "Gayatri". Mataji  was and continues to be "the heart" of Gayatri Teerth, Hardwar.

The people that were fortunate enough to have met her personally, heard her lectures, and interacted with her directly or indirectly have truly been blessed in their lives. She inspires you, binds you emotionally to the greater causes of the mission (Gayatri Teerth, Shantikunj)  and you can feel her presence in your life every single day!

Acharya Shriram Sharma ji has himself described Mataji in the following words :

"मिशन को बढ़ाने में माताजी ने हमारे बाएं या दाएं हाथ की नहीं, हृदय की भूमिका निभाई हैं । उन्हीं की भावनाओं के संचार से मिशन पलता और बढ़ता रहा है। औरों की तरह हम भी उनका प्यार दुलार पाकर धन्य हुए हैं, अन्यथा इतने आघातों के चलते कौन जाने हम कब टूट बिख़र कर चकना चूर हो गए होते । वह भावनामयी हैं , प्यार तो जैसे उनके रोम रोम में बसा है । उन्हे हमारी तरह बातें बनाना तो नहीं आता , पर मम्तत्व लुटाने में वे हमसे बहुत आगे हैं । इसी कारन हम उन्हें सजल श्रद्धा कहते हैं ।"

This below mentioned quote  aims at bringing two powerful excerpts  from Mataji's lectures. These Quotes are from a lecture that Vandaniya Mataji gave at Shantikunj on the occasion of Navratri. A video link to this lecture is provided at the end of this article. 

This  Navratri lecture inspires us to develop the qualities of Samarpan (समर्पण ) and Shraddha (श्रद्धा) as a pre-requisite to success in worship ! The below mentioned quotes explain that the path to Spirituality goes beyond mere rituals.Without the development of deep love and faith towards God, the journey does not have an appropriate ending.......

Excerpts / Quotations from Vandaniya Mataji's Navratri  Lecture (Hindi):

1.गंगाजी नहाने से क्या पाप काटे जा सकते हैं ?
"आजकल लोग कहतें हैं हम गंगाजी नहा आयेंगे तो हमारा बहुत भला होगा , हमारे सारे पाप कट जायंगे ! नहीं साहेब आपका एक भी पाप दूर नहीं होगा, ज़रा भी दूर नहीं होगा |

क्यों नहीं होगा ? इसलिए नहीं होगा की आपने पाप को हटाने की कोशिश तो की नहीं ...और नहाने से समझ लिया की हमारे पाप चले जायेंगे |

 नहाने से पाप कैसे चले जायेंगे? नहाने की बात हैं तो मछली भी उसी में रहती हैं , तो मछली क्यों नहीं तर जाती हैं ? 

इसलिए नहीं तरती  क्योंकि इसमें भावना मिलाने की ज़रुरत है ।  श्रद्धा को मिलाने की ज़रुरत है ।  श्रद्धा मिला दी तो आप पा जायेंगे ...जैसे कबीर, और मीरा पा गए । "
Source :
Lecture by Mata Bhagwati Devi Sharma ( लेक्चर नवरात्री का महत्व , The Significance of Navratri, कोट @ 6:10 mins )

2. पूजा /जप करते समय क्या आपका मन भागता है ?
"जब आप जप करते हैं तो आपका मन भागता रहता है . जहां प्रेम होता हैं वहीँ मन भागता है . व्यापार में होगा तो व्यापार में मन भागेगा, बीवी बच्चों से होगा तो बीवी बच्चों में भागेगा . भगवान् के प्रति हमारा प्रेम हैं कहाँ ? यदि हमारा प्रेम सच्चा प्रेम हैं तो भगवान् हमसे दूर नहीं हैं । प्रेम की परिभाषा हैं सम्वेदना । 

हमारे दो हाथ है. एक पुरुषार्थ के लिए और एक परमार्थ के लिये. फिर हम भगवन से वोह क्यों मांगते हैं जो हम खुद अपने पुरुषार्थ से कमा सकते है. भगवान् से हमें वोह माँगना चाहिए जिससे हम निहाल हो जायें और समाज और राष्ट्र और आने वाली पीढियां भी निहाल हो . लोकहित के लिए मांगिये । 

भगवान के दर्शन के लिए हमें अपने हृदय में देखना चहिये । हम जहाँ तहां भागते हैं अपने पैसे खर्च करतें हैं लेकिन भगवन नहीं मिलते - क्योंकि भगवन के दर्शन एक फिलोसोफी है । उस फिलोसोफी को समझे बगैर हम जहां तहां भटकते रहते है । 

चलो बद्रीनाथ चलो, जगन नाथ पूरी चलो, केदारनाथ चलो। आपको बद्रीनाथ की मालूम है फिलोसोफी ? बद्रीनाथ पर कृष्णा भगवान ने बारह साल ताप किया था । आप जाते हैं और बस ढोक लगा आते हैं . उसके पीछे जो छिपा हुआ शिक्षण हैं वोह कहाँ चला गया? "
Quotations source :
Lecture by Mata Bhagwati Devi Sharma ( लेक्चर नवरात्री का महत्व , The Significance of Navratri, कोट @ 14:00 mins )
Other Links :
Gayatri Teerth Link: Param Vandaniya Mataji
Acharya Shriram Quote on Vandaniya Mataji is from the preface to the Book - Rishi Chintan Key Sannidhye Mein


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Realising GOD through different spiritual moods- Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa !

Spiritual aspirants can realize God through different Spiritual moods. For example -Mira Bai, Hanuman ji, Valmiki, Sudama are all examples of spiritual aspirants who achieved oneness with God using different spiritual states  or (Bhaav).
These states can be  that of - Devotion towards God ,as a Companion of God, as a Rishi/ or Sant ,as that of  Vatsalya towards God  or that of  Madhurya Bhaav.

Swami Ramakrishna Paramhansa describes these states in the Gospel of Ramakrishna. Enclosed below is the relevant excerpt from the Gospel of Ramakrishna.

Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa

Different moods of Spiritual aspirants - A Quote from The Gospel of Ramakrishna (Chapter 4):

"In order to realize God, one must assume one of these attitudes: Śānta, Dāsya, Sakhya, Vātsalya, or Madhur. 

"Śānta, the serene attitude. The rishis of olden times had this attitude toward God. They did not desire any worldly enjoyment. It is like the single-minded devotion of a wife to her husband. She knows that her husband is the embodiment of beauty and love, a veritable Madan. 

"Dāsya, the attitude of a servant toward his master. Hanuman had this attitude toward Rama. He felt the strength of a lion when he worked for Rama. A wife feels this mood also. She serves her husband with all her heart and soul. A mother also has a little of this attitude, as Yaśoda had toward Krishna. 

"Sakhya, the attitude of friendship. Friends say to one another, 'Come here and sit near me.' Sridāmā and other friends sometimes fed Krishna with fruit, part of which they had already eaten, and sometimes climbed on His shoulders. 

"Vātsalya, the attitude of a mother toward her child. This was Yaśoda's attitude toward Krishna. The wife, too, has a little of this. She feeds her husband with her very life-blood, as it were. The mother feels happy only when the child has eaten to his heart's content. Yaśoda would roam about with butter in her hand, in order to feed Krishna. 

"Madhur, the attitude of a woman toward her paramour. Radha had this attitude toward Krishna. The wife also feels it for her husband. This attitude includes all the other four."                                     
Source and credits:
An excerpt from The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishnahttp://www.belurmath.org/gospel/chapter04.htm
 To read the gospel visit our Life Transforming Books section or click on the link here 

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Samadhi States - An explanation by Swami Vivekananda

Nirvikalpa Samadhi : An explanation by Swami Vivekananda:

The enclosed dialogue with Swami Vivekananda was recorded by his disciple Sharat, at Belur, in the year 1898. In it Swamiji describes in detail his experience of Nirvikalpa Samadhi or complete mergence with “Brahman” or God – the infinite and self-luminous consciousness.

“This is what I mean by meditation – the soul trying to stand upon itself, when it is thinking of itself, residing in its own glory.”- Swami Vivekananda

Sharat: Sir, as the fruition of great austerities in past lives, I have been blessed with your company. Now bless me that I may not be overcome by ignorance and delusion any more. Now my mind sometimes is seized with a great longing for some direct spiritual realisation.

Swami Vivekananda: I also felt like that many times. One day in the Cossipore garden, I had expressed my prayer to Shri Ramakrishna with great earnestness. Then in the evening, at the hour of meditation, I lost the consciousness of the body, and felt that it was absolutely non – existent.

I felt that the sun, moon, space, time, ether, and all had been reduced to a homogeneous mass and then melted far away into the unknown; the body-consciousness had almost vanished, and I had nearly merged in the Supreme. But I had just a trace of the feeling of Ego, so I could again return to the world of relativity from the Samadhi.

To read the full post, please follow the link below:

Post Credits : A guest post by Spiritual Bee.com