Thursday, February 28, 2013

मन साधे जीवन सधे- A Life Changing Book by Acharya Shriram Sharma.

मन साधे जीवन सधे - (Munn Saddhey Jeevan Saddhey) is a book that can change your Life. Its a simply written book that illustrates that while our body does all the work, our mind is controlling all our actions. Powerful and strong men have failed when they give up mentally, and conversely the weak can become winners if they start thinking "I can do it".
An excerpt from the above Book :

"मन साधे जीवन सधे - मन का बल शारीर के बल से भी बड़ा है ! इसके आभाव में शारीरिक बल भी किसी काम  का नहीं होता .देखा गया हैं की उत्तम स्वस्थ्य वाले व्यक्तियों को भी जब मानसिक अघात लगता हैं तो वह अपनी स्थिती संभाल नहीं पाते और अपने सामान्य जीवन क्रम से गिरकर स्वय ही अपनी दशा दयनीय बना डालते हैं .........
सफलता का एक आधार है व्यक्ति का मनोबल !यह सच हा की सफलता आदमी का मनोबल बढ़ाती है , पर क्रिया क्षेत्र मैं यह बात सदैव संभव नहीं हैं .संघर्ष करते हुए सफलता के साथ असफलता भी हो सकती हैं !  आशा के साथ ही निराशा की उत्पति भी हो सकती हैं ! मनोबल की परीक्षा का यही समय होता हैं !आशायुक्त जीवन से निरंतरता आती हैं तो निराशा से निकम्मापन भी आ सकता हैं .यहाँ परिस्थित ना संभले तो मनुष्य के सारे प्रयास व्यर्थ हो सकतें !इसलिए यह बहुत ज़रूरी बात है की सफलता की आशा रखे और असफलता के समय धैर्य भी जागृत रखें . किसी भी अवस्था में मनोबल क्षीण न हो., तो रुक कदम रुक नहीं रहता , निराशा आशा में बदल जाती और हारी बाज़ी फिर से जीत में बदल जाती हैं !........"

Acharya Shriram Sharma has  illustrated this book with short stories and examples of people who accomplished great feats through sheer strength of will. This book  makes for a very inspirational and motivational read.

To READ this fabulous book, please click the book link below:

Friday, February 22, 2013

Why do Hindus worship so many Gods? A guest post by

Why do Hindus worship so many Gods? Is Hinduism a polytheistic religion? Why is the cow sacred? Why is the river Ganges considered so holy? Why is the sun worshiped?

These are some of the questions that naturally arise in most people’s minds when they look at Hinduism from the outside.

For those of us who have grown up in the rich Hindu tradition of India, when someone asks us these questions, often we too are puzzled, because these form such an integral part of our daily existence that we have never really stopped to think about it.

So here is a beautiful and profound explanation, for those of us on the inside, as well as the outside, gathered from the spiritual works of the great modern-day gurus of India.
The Worship of Many Gods in Hinduism, Has its Genesis in the Discovery of the Ultimate Reality, the Source of all Creation, by the Ancient Sages of the Vedas

The religion of the Hindus has its roots in the Vedas, the sacred books whose philosophy forms the firm foundation upon which it rests. Of the 4 Vedas, the oldest is the Rig Veda, whose hymns date to at least 4500 BC or earlier.

Besides detailing ceremonies and worships aimed at refining a person’s inner character, the Vedas contain records of stupendous truths concerning the nature of our Universe, as witnessed by the ancient rishis (sages) in the super-conscious states of meditation.

The sections of the Vedas that detail these transcendental truths are called the Upanishads, and the philosophy that they propound is called Vedanta.

Apart from chronicling facts about our world that are strikingly congruent with the discoveries of modern science, such as evolution, the theory of space, time and causation, as well as the atomic structure of matter; the sages of the Vedas speak in tremendous detail, of the presence of an Ultimate Reality, which is the source of all Creation.

They call this Reality, Brahman or God and describe it to be an extremely subtle, all pervading and infinite ocean of consciousness.

To continue reading the full article please click the following link:

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Swami Vivekananda - A short video of his Life and Contributions.

Enclosed here is a short, informative and well done video on the "Life and Contributions" of Swami Vivekananda. 
The video focuses on educating us about  Swami Vivekananda's significant contributions   towards spreading the message  of Vedanta in the East and West. This video is a good watch for both adults and children.
(Vedanta = Eternal and uniformly applicable Truths for all mankind). 

Swami Vivekananda

Video Link :
Source and credits : HSS (USA)

Other must read  articles and excerpts from  conversations with Swami Vivekananda:
1.Swami Vivekananda - on why people following DIFFERENT religions DISAGREE!
2.Swami Vivekananda and John D Rockefeller on  responsible use of personal wealth.
3.Vedanta and Swami Vivekananda on "eating meat' and using animals for scientific experiments/ animal testing.
4.How to be Spiritual - The Connection between Chastity and Spirituality

5.Swami Vivekananda's on: What is Yoga? Discovering we are not just Body but Soul

Note to readers : We invite you to visit our " Life Transforming Books" section to read many free books on Vedanta by Swami Vivekananda and the 16 direct disciples of Ramakrishna Paramhansa. These books are outstandingly written , very informative and written in a conversational style.

Links to the Gospel of Ramakrishna Paramhansa and The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda are also available in our Life Transforming Books section.

A collection of 60 and more books in Hindi written  by the illustrious spiritual scientist and Master of the Vedas & Upanishads - Acharya Shriram Sharma are also available.

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Laws of Karma (5) : Are Misfortunes always the result of Bad Karma?

This article is a continuation of our very popular series titled :" The Laws of Karma".   All articles on The Laws of Karma are abbreviated excerpts from Acharya Shriram Sharma 's writings. 
So far in our Karma series we have discussed 'Who Keeps a Record of our Good and Bad Deeds', "How are deeds categorised as wrong or right", "Types of Sufferings and their underlying causes", and also "Types of Karma". In this chapter from the book "The Absolute Laws of Karma' we discuss whether misfortunes are always the result of Bad Karma?
The Karma theory is not fatalistic ,instead  it recognises and emphasises "free will" of individuals and their ability to overcome all situations in life.

The Laws Of Karma: Are Misfortunes always the result of Bad Karma?

"Misfortunes are an unwelcome event in our lives. Misfortunes  are popularly believed to be the result of past sins and signal the displeasure of God. However, this view is only partially correct. It is true that one of the reasons for unhappiness is past sins, but all unhappy events do not necessarily have their roots in past misdeeds. 

It may appear paradoxical, but at times misfortunes may also befall us because of the grace of God and the accumulation of past virtues. Unhappiness may also be felt while undergoing hardships in course of virtuous activities. When God shows his benevolence  towards a highly evolved soul and wills to release that soul from the bondage of  everyday living, HE may create distressful situations in that person's life where the individual is forced to make a specific  choice. Such unhappy events jolt the individual out of his slumber and help him to realize the futility of attachment to worldly things. The shock of unhappiness in such cases serves as a Divine Wake-Up-Call. 

Our addiction to worldly attachments, infatuations and passions is so strong and alluring that we cannot be easily de-addicted. There are fleeting moments of wisdom in life when man thinks that life is extremely valuable and must be used for achieving some lofty objective, but soon thereafter attractions of the world sway him from achieving this aim . Through misfortunes, God exerts a strong pull to extricate the devotee from the self-created quagmire of worldly attractions.

Unpleasant, heartbreaking happenings, such as a near fatal accident or disease, death of an intimate friend or relative, sudden financial loss, humiliation, or treachery by a trusted friend, may occur to give a strong shock treatment so that one may course correct his or her life or understand the gravity of purposeful living. 

Sometimes, the virtuous samskaras accumulated on account of our past Karma's can also produce unhappy events. Virtuous karma's also act as shields to ward off sinful temptations. The former do not permit the sinful tendencies to dominate and offer stiff resistance. Many a time, commitment of a sinful act - is foiled by some unforeseen obstacle. If a thief breaks his leg while  attempting thievery, it should be taken as a consequence of his past virtuous Karma's. 

Those who work hard for moral or social upliftment of society and meticulously follow their course of duty, face stupendous problems, hardships , including  lack of resources in their work. They also have to face antagonism of people who find such activities detrimental to their vested interests. Persons treading the royal highway of righteousness have to face hardships at each step. Misfortunes are like a goldsmith’s furnace, in which the validity of past virtues and tolerance to hardships undertaken for virtuous deeds are tempered. After going through misfortunes, the character and personality of an upright person becomes all the more lustrous.

Hence while going through misfortunes, do not be under the impression that you are a sinner and a wretched person deserving Divine wrath. It could be that the distress is a blessing in disguise, with hidden boons, which you are unable to foresee at the moment because of limited vision. 

Innocent persons may be found suffering because of unfair ideologies or oppression by others. Any of us can  become a victim of exploitation, suppression and injustice. The exploiter has to face the consequences of his Karma's in due course of time, but the sufferer should not take such trials as outcome of his Prarabdha. 

A student has to face many hardships in the course of his education. A mother suffers hardship while bringing up a child. Ascetics, social reformers and righteous persons undergo unbearable hardships while working for reformation of the society and evolution of the human soul. Such voluntarily undertaken hardships, confrontations, and problems faced in the course of fulfillment of self-assumed responsibilities also cannot be considered as consequences of past misdeeds. 

At the same time, it would not be appropriate to regard every “happy-go-lucky” person as a virtuous person in his past life or every sufferer as a sinner of his past birth. Such a concept would be unjustified and misleading. There is no reason for someone to have self-pity or feel remorseful on such a false premise. The course from committing an action / Karma to its fruition as Prarabdha follows an occult and mysterious process known only to the Creator. 

With regards to the Laws Of Karma -we have to remain ever vigilant towards our duties and responsibilities and leave the rest to the Impartial and Supreme Justice of God. Let us face the misfortunes and good fortunes of life with equanimity. God has made us responsible only for our duties as human beings. There could be many reasons for successes-failure and happiness- unhappiness. Only the Creator knows their purpose in His Absolute Wisdom. Let us entirely offer ourselves to the Divine to be used for the free and unobstructed flow of His Will through us."

Credits and Source of the above article:
To read the book "The Absolute Law Of Karma" click  link below:
To know more about the author -Shriram Sharma Acharya please click the link below: